Paris, a winter sports city? It's certainly no Zermatt, but you can do some skating in some pretty fabulous places. This holiday season, we skated at both the Grand Palais, and the Eiffel Tower. Both of these were temporary rinks set up just for the holidays. The rink in the great hall of the Grand Palais is supposed to be the largest in France. By contrast the rink on the first deck of the Eiffel Tower was pretty small.
One small tip for the organisers of both these skating events: next year, invest in a skate sharpener!
Skating under the vast 1900 glass and ironwork roof of le Grand Palais. |
Hot soup at the Marché de Nöel on the Champs Élysées after skating at le Grand Palais. |
Skating on the first deck of the Eiffel Tower |