samedi 21 septembre 2013

Biology in le Jardin du Luxembourg

When Jerome has biology class, they don't stay in the classroom, they cross the street to le Jardin du Luxembourg.  The Jardin du Luxembourg is very large.  Parts of it are very elegant (jardin à la française) and much frequented by tourists and visitors.  Another part of the garden, not as visited, has a scientific arrangement of trees and plants, all labelled.  This is the part Jerome's class visits, as they are studying trees.
Fruit tree specimens in le jardin du Luxembourg

This part of the garden also has many beehives.  The bees pollinate the fruit trees and flowers.  Signs warn of the presence of bees.

Beehives in le jardin du Luxembourg

By chance, this afternoon I happened to be in the jardin du Luxembourg and found that the beekeepers were giving talks and presentations about the bees.  They were also selling jars of the honey.  Of course I bought one (the limit was one jar per person).  The honey is wonderfully dark and complex in taste.
Honey from the beehives in jardin du Luxembourg

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