mardi 24 septembre 2013

Jerome learns to tie his shoes by watching a TED talk

This is not a post about Paris, except that I mention how dirty the streets are.  I bought Jerome a pair of gym shoes that he needed for gym class.  Dedicated shoes for gym class are required, because the gym floor would get rather disgusting if you wore your outdoor shoes in the gym.  Coincidentally, tonight Silke and I were visiting someone from who is married to a Japanese woman.  He mentioned, while providing us with slippers to wear inside, à la japonaise, that every time he returns from Japan, he forgets to look where he is stepping in the Parisian street.  Yuck.  Anyway, about the shoes for Jerome, I neglected to notice that we picked out running shoes with laces.  This is an important detail, because once, a few years ago, I tried to teach Jerome how to tie shoelaces.  The outcome of which was, we thereafter only bought him only shoes with velcro fasteners.  So the day before Jerome's gym class, Carolyn notices that his gym shoes have laces.  Brief panic, then she then has the flash of genius, to see if there is a TED talk about tying your shoes.  Jerome has nearly perfect retention of anything he has ever seen in a TED talk.  It turns out, there is such a TED talk.  So now Jerome can tie his laces.  By the way, you are probably tying your laces wrong, so you should watch it too: .

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